Gigi's Beauty Stash

DIY 2-Ingredients Cream Contour/Bronzer | Super Cheap and Easy!

DIY 2-Ingredients Cream Contour/Bronzer | Super Cheap and Easy!




Hey, pretty people!




I have previously posted a cream highlighter recipe and a cream blush recipe as well, but I of course felt like something was missing; of course, a cream contour/bronzer!

This project is still super easy, but doesn’t really allow you as much creative control with the color choice as the other two. This is because contour and bronzer have quite different purposes.

If you prefer to craft a cream contour, you want to pick a cool-toned brown shade. On the other hand, you would want to pick a warm-toned shade for a bronzer.

This is because contour is supposed to create a shadow, whilst a bronzer is crafted to add warmth to your complexion. I would suggest to pick shades that are slightly darker than your actual skintone for a more natural effect. However, feel free to go all out if you want a much stronger effect!


Alright, are you ready to find out how to make your own DIY Cream Contour/Bronzer?

Let’s get started!



Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!




  • A cheap, clear lip balm
  • An eyeshadow of choice, crushed
  • A container of choice (optional)
  • A pot and a stove


Before jumping into the crafting process, let’s talk a little bit about the container you can choose to store your cream contour/bronzer in.

I don’t really have any specific suggestion to give you, to be honest. However, just like I said in my Cream Highlighter post, I will tell you I decided to use the very same lip balm stick packaging. It makes application a lot easier and quicker, and it’s also more practical.

However, if you don’t really feel like using that, feel free to pick whichever container you feel most comfortable using.




Alright, let’s get crafting!

Firstly, you want to take your lip balm out of the container and toss it into the pot. Then, turn the heat on low and allow the formula to melt completely.

At this point, you want to add the crushed eyeshadow as well and stir the two together. Keep going for a couple of minutes, to make sure the ingredients really blend together perfectly.

Then, turn the stove off and pour the formula into the container. Lastly, pop it into the fridge and allow it to cool down for a couple of hours.

And your DIY Cream Contour/Bronzer is all ready to go!






Cream Highlighter

Cream Blush



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