Gigi's Beauty Stash

DIY 2-Ingredients Liquid Eyeshadow | Super Quick, Cheap and Easy!

DIY 2-Ingredients Liquid Eyeshadow | Super Quick, Cheap and Easy!


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Hey, pretty people!




After crafting my DIY cream eyeshadow, I immediately started thinking about a similar solution – a proper liquid one.

I have experimented quite a bit with liquid eyeshadows, but I normally enjoy using them quite a bit.

Crafting your own offer a series of advantages, the first one being trying a color you wouldn’t necessarily find around easily. Also, you could mix a few of them together!


This DIY is pretty easy and cheap, but I would say it has an annoying element to it: the container. You could easily pick one yourself, sure, but it would be best to use an old lip gloss one – or something of that nature.

So, are you ready to find out how to make your own DIY liquid eyeshadow?

Let’s get started!





  • A container of choice
  • A runny, liquid and eye-safe lotion or Aloe Vera Oil (recipe here)
  • 1 or more eyeshadows



Before getting started with the crafting part, I just want to re-inforce the importance of using an eye-safe lotion. Your eye-area is, in fact, very sensitive, and you don’t want to risk any damage; choose the product wisely!

Also, make sure to pick a very liquid and runny lotion; that’s the whole point of this formula! If you prefer a more ‘natural’ solution, I recommend going for Aloe Vera Oil; you can find the recipe here.


Alright, let’s get crafting!

Firstly, you want to break your eyeshadow(s) down and into a fine powder.

You really need to work with a very fine powder, because you want it to blend with the lotion; take your time with this step, and ask for help if necessary.

Once you have the crushed eyeshadow ready, set it aside and squeeze a small amount of lotion on a plate. Slowly incorporate the eyeshadow into the lotion, adding some more if needed. Keep mixing the two together for at least a couple of minutes.

Lastly, pour the mixture into the container you selected. And your DIY Liquid Eyeshadow is all ready to go!







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