Gigi's Beauty Stash

DIY 3-Ingredients Vegan Hair Repair & Growth Mask/Overnight Treatment

DIY 3-Ingredients Vegan Hair Repair & Growth Mask/Overnight Treatment




Hey, pretty people!




Summer is beautiful and everything, but it can also be kind of a stressful time for our hair.

Heat and humidity are nobody’s friends, which is why we should keep a careful eye out for new protecting products.


This vegan mask is more of an overnight (kind of extreme) treatment, designed to solve the greatest part of your problems in the quickest time possible. An overnight mask is quite annoying, I know, but your hair will thank you after your shampoo!

Before jumping into the recipe, I just want to say that this mask works for every type of hair.

Even if you have oily hair and you see these two oils, fear not: this will work great!


Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!



  • 1/2 cup of (melted) Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 cup of Jojoba Oil
  • 20-30 drops of Tea Tree Oil


Like always, let’s run down the benefits of each individual ingredient before crafting this product up.



As many of you probably know, coconut oil is a natural moisturizer; this makes it the perfect choice for deep conditioning and detangling, but that’s not it. This carrier oil is also a perfect ally to eliminate dandruff and an amazing hair growth promoter. It also adds a bit of shine, which is never a bad thing!



Jojoba oil is also a great moisturizer, but it can also be used to treat hair breakage and split ends; much like coconut oil, is great to fight dandruff. Its molecular composition is very similar to human sebum, which is why it won’t mess with your natural sebum production and won’t create oily or greasy textures. It promotes hair growth as well!



Lastly, the one ingredient everybody uses for acne: tea tree oil. First and foremost, this oil is perfect for promoting hair growth and thickness, unclogging hair follicles and nourishing the roots; it’s also great for fighting dandruff and heal irritated scalp.




Now that we have all of our ingredients ready, it’s time to craft the mask up.

The first thing you want to do is melt your coconut oil completely; less than a couple of minutes in the microwave should be fine.

Once you have a perfectly smooth liquid, add the jojoba oil. Stir well for a minute to make sure they’re combined, then add your tea tree oil and keep stirring for a couple of minutes.

Apply it to damp hair using a comb to make sure the concotion is well distributed, and use a shower cap to keep your hair and clothes safe. Leave overnight for best results, or just a couple of hours; make sure to shampoo and condition your hair as well as you can after!

Since this remedy is a bit heavy, I would suggest using it once a week – especially if you plan to leave it on overnight!





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