DIY Skin Care

DIY Blend for Mature Skin with Green Tea and Essential Oils | DIY Face Spray

DIY Blend for Mature Skin with Green Tea and Essential Oils | DIY Face Spray


How to Make a DIY Blend for Mature Skin: An Essential Guide to Radiant Skin



Hey, pretty people!




Here I am again, with another DIY Face Spray!

I am always thrilled to bring one of these formulas on my blog; they’re definitely my favorite! They’re quite easy and customizable to craft, and you most likely already own all of the ingredients needed.


Today, we’re taking on a (not so) common concern people may have; mature skin. Mature skin isn’t really everybody’s #1 concern when it comes to skincare, isn’t it? We tend to focus more on other topics like acne, dryness or oilyness, and leave this particular one behind.

I feel like the great thing about this product is the fact that it’s extremely versatile. You could easily use it as a serum or a spray, and it will be just as effective!

I decided to use it as a spray, but feel free to experiment around and find the perfect format for you.


So, are you ready to find out how to make this super easy blend for mature skin?

Let’s get started!



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  • 1/2 cup of Green Tea
  • 2 Tablespoons of Rosehip Oil
  • 10 drops of Lemon Oil
  • 1 Vitamin E Oil tab
  • A container of your choice


Before getting started with the ingredients, I would like to quickly touch the container subject.

I personally used a spray bottle, mainly because I feel more comfortable with this. However, if you plan to use this blend as a toner/serum, feel free to pick whichever container you prefer!




Green tea is not only a delicious beverage, but also a precious ally when it comes to achieving a great and younger-looking complexion. This liquid has many anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat blemishes and acne, but also preserves the skin from pollution and such. Moreover, this tea can improve skin elasticity!



Rosehip oil is my mom’s favorite, and I must admit I enjoy it quite a bit as well. It helps improving skin elasticity and moisturizes it, while reducing pigmentation and blemishes. On top of that, this oil helps brightening the complexion and has many anti-aging properties.



Lastly, lemon essential oilThis ingredient can help you cleaning and detoxifying the skin, while gently exfoliating the complexion. Additionally, it helps sanitize wounds and cuts, and heal acne.



Alright, let’s get crafting!

The first thing you want to do is make your green tea; leave the bag infusing for about 5 minutes, then take it out.

At this point, add your Vitamin E Oil to it and give the liquid a thorough mix. Leave the tea to cool down for about 15/20 minutes before proceeding.

Now, it’s time to add your rosehip oil and, then, the lemon essential oil drop. Stir the mixture for a couple of minutes, then pour it in your container.

And your DIY blend for mature skin is all ready to go!

Just remember to give it a good shake before using it. I would also recommend storing it in your fridge, so that you can use it as a nice and refreshing treat throughout the day.




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡






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