DIY Haircare

DIY Coconut Milk Shampoo – Only 3-Ingredients, For Dandruff & Split Ends!

DIY Coconut Milk Shampoo – Only 3-Ingredients, For Dandruff & Split Ends!


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Hey, pretty people!




Let’s keep this DIY shampoo moment and talk about one of the most popular ingredients in beauty recipes: coconut milk.

It may be not as great of a moisturizer as coconut oil, but this ingredient really does make a difference when it comes to conditioning and start your journey to better, healthier hair.

Much like the previous recipes (you can find all of my DIY Haircare posts here), this DIY Coconut Milk Shampoo takes a couple of minutes to make and only 3 kitchen ingredients; want to know something more about it?

Let’s get started!





  • 1/2 cup of Vitamin E oil (or tabs)
  • 1/2 cup of Castile Soap
  • 1/4 cup of Coconut Milk
  • An empty shampoo container


Just like always, before jumping straight into the tutorial we are going to talk a little bit about the benefits of the product.



The first thing I want to highlight is the fact that this shampoo helps promoting hair growth, all the while softening and deep conditioning the hair. That’s where both Vitamin E Oil and Castile Soap play a key role.

Moreover, Coconut Milk will help you fight bacteria and dandruff, keeping your scalp (and hair in general) healthier and more beautiful than ever. Also, it’s a pretty efficient tool when it comes to preventing split ends.




Alright, let’s get crafting!

Well, in all honesty, there really isn’t much to say about this crafting process.

Simply blend all of your ingredients together, and you’re pretty much good to go!

If you only have Vitamin E oil tabs, it may be a good idea to measure them beforehand. Then, blend them into the hot coconut milk. Otherwise, you can just add the liquids to the soap and mix everything up.

Whatever you feel most comfortable doing!







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