D.I.Y.sDIY Haircare

DIY Hair Growth Serum – DIY Haircare Growth Serum

DIY Hair Growth Serum - DIY Haircare Growth Serum

DIY Hair Growth Serum – DIY Haircare Growth Serum


Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!


Hey, pretty people!




If you take a look at the DIY Haircare category of my blog, you’ll most likely find multiple formulas for hair growth. This one, however, is truly one of the most versatile ones.


You can use it as an actual serum, or store it in a spray bottle and use it on the entire length of your hair. I do encourage you experimenting with it!

I think the best way to use is to massage it into your scalp a couple of hours before washing your hair, or even leaving it overnight.


Before talking about ingredients lists and benefits, I wanted to make a quick disclaimer.

I would recommend storing the spray in your fridge at all times. You should add Vitamin E Oil to prevent it from going bad. However, the fridge is still your best bet to ensuring your formula stays intact.


Alright, now that we have got all of these essential desclaimers out of the way, are you finally ready to find out how to make this amazing DIY Hair Growth Serum?

Let’s get started!





  • 3 Tablespoons of Rice Water
  • 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 teaspoon of Coconut Oil
  • A container of choice (an empty spray or serum bottle)
  • A bowl and a spoon


Before jumping into the crafting process, let’s quickly talk about these ingredients and their benefits for your hair.


DIY Hair Growth Serum - DIY Haircare Growth Serum


Rice Water is kind of a new ingredient on my blog, but I promise it will give you many reasons to fall in love with it! This starchy water is perfect to give your hair a whole lot of vitamins and minerals that will not only speed up its growth, but turn it into a much healthier one as well. Also, it will make your hair much smoother and more glowy.



Aloe Vera Gel is one of the most amazing ingredients when it comes to haircare, and an amazing addition here, too. This gel is great when it comes to promoting hair growth and hydration, as well as eliminate dandruff and irritation as well. Moreover, it can act as both a shampoo and a conditioner!



Coconut Oil is one of the most famous haircare (and also skincare) ingredients out there, and one many people actually swear by. This ingredient is amazing when it comes to moisturizing, but can promote a healthier scalp as well. It will help fight dandruff as well as dullness, and also promote shiny, soft and bouncy hair.




Alright, let’s get crafting!

Firstly, you want to melt your coconut oil and have it reach a completely liquid and smooth consistency.

As soon as it’s there, add the aloe vera gel to it and mix the two together. You want the mixture to be as smooth as possible, so don’t be afraid to keep stirring for a couple of minutes!

Once you feel like your ‘heavier’ base is ready, it’s time to add the rice water to it. Then, you guessed it, stir the mixture until it is nice, smooth and mostly liquid.

Lastly, pour the mixture into your container.

And your DIY Hair Growth Serum is all ready to go!


DIY Hair Growth Serum - DIY Haircare Growth Serum






♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡





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