DIY Skin Care

DIY Lush Dirty Body Spray – Lush Dirty Body Spray Copycat Recipe

DIY Lush Dirty Body Spray – Lush Dirty Body Spray Copycat Recipe


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Hey, pretty people!




It’s been a hot minute ever since I posted a DIY Lush dupe recipe. Needless to say, I am quite excited about this post!

I have been on a body spray frenzy lately; more specifically, I have been focusing on multipurpose DIY sprays.

This formula can be used on both hair and skin, and it’s one of the most efficient ways to implement some fun in your skincare and haircare routine.


Now, what’s different about this DIY Lush Dirty Body Spray? Not too much, to be honest!

You can easily use it on your skin and hair, and in whichever way you prefer. Moreover, the crafting process is quite simple. The ingredients used are fairly cheap, although there is quite a bit of them!


So, are you finally ready to find out how to make your very own DIY Lush Dirty Body Spray?

Let’s get started!





  • 1 cup of Thyme-infused Water (keep reading for directions)
  • 3 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 15 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil
  • 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1-2 Vitamin E Oil tab(s)
  • A spray bottle



Before jumping straight into the crafting process, let’s quickly talk about these ingredients and a few of their benefits for your skin.



Firstly, let’s address the whole Thyme-infused water ordeal. It may sound intimidating, but I promise it is quite easy to craft!

Firstly, you want to take a handful of thyme and rinse it well. Then, add it into a pot filled with water. Bring the water to a boil, then turn the stove off and allow the liquid to cool down completely. And your DIY Thyme-infused water is all ready to go!

When it comes to benefits, it is fair to say that thyme is quite amazing when it comes to fight inflammation. This makes it perfect to fight acne and redness, as well as possible cuts and wounds. It can also help you promote healthier skin in general!



Aloe Vera Gel is one of the most popular skincare ingredients out there, and I frequently use it in my DIY Beauty products as well. It is great to hydrate the skin and restore its natural moisture barrier, but can help fight acne and blemishes as well. Moreover, it can help enhance the smell of the essential oils and make the fragrance more long-lasting.



A complete new entry in my blog, Sandalwood Essential Oil is one of the most popular fragrances out there. This essential oil can help promote skin cells growth, and also fight bacteria. This makes it quite good to fight acne and wounds, as well as promote a healthier complexion.



Peppermint Essential Oil plays a big role in refreshing and ‘waking up’ the skin, but has a few cleansing properties as well. Full of antibacteria and antiseptic properties, it is perfect to not only fight aging signs, but to reduce acne and razor bumps as well.



Lavender Essential Oil is often featured in my DIY beauty recipes, and is one of the most versatile oils ever. It moisturizes and adds glow to the complexion, while fighting acne and scars; it can help reduce texture and discoloration as well.



Lastly, let’s just quickly touch the Vitamin E Oil subject. This ingredient will prevent your Lush Dirty body spray from going bad, but could also be omitted; however, if you don’t plan on adding it, you should remember to store the product into your fridge.




Alright, let’s get crafting!

There really isn’t too much to say about this crafting process, really; in fact, I think that making your Thyme-infused water will take up most of your time, here!

Once your thyme-infused water is cool and ready, add the aloe vera gel to it. Then, stir the liquid and let the aloe vera gel dissolve into it. This may take a while, but you really want to have a smooth liquid to work with. This is also a great time to add the Vitamin E Oil.

As soon as you have your base ready, it’s time to add the essential oils to it. Stir the mixture for a couple of minutes, then pour it into your spray bottle.

And your DIY Lush Dirty Body Spray copycat is all ready to go!




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡







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