
DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Spray – for Smooth, Shiny, Hydrated Hair

DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Spray – for Smooth, Shiny, Hydrated Hair


Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!


Hey, pretty people!




I have been trying to be much more mindful about my hair care routine lately, and I have to say I am discovering a whole new world. And I absolutely love every second of it!

Hair care is something I have never really paid too much attention to, but thanks to a close friend of mine that old mindset of mine is changing rapidly. She is absolutely obsessed with it, and I think I am coming down with pretty much the same sickness.


In particular, I have to say oils have become my new favorite thing. I love using them weekly, and I can already see a major difference in my hair after just very few applications. And that’s exactly how this DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Spray comes in!

This DIY Beauty recipe is an insanely easy and effective way to sneak some more hydration into your hair care routine. Made from only 3 ingredients, this DIY Hair Spray will be your new best friend after wash day.

Did I mention this spray is inspired by the actual DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Mask? Pair them for best results!


So, are you ready to find out how to make your own DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Spray?

Let’s get started!





  • 3 Tablespoons of Jojoba Oil
  • 3 Tablespoons of Honey
  • 1/4 cup of Rice Water
  • An empty water bottle


Before jumping into the crafting process, let’s quickly talk about these ingredients and a few of their benefits.



Packed with Vitamins and minerals, Jojoba Oil is one of the best ingredients when it comes to moisturizing your hair. It is highly nourishing, and will make your hair silkier literally immediately. Furthermore, it can help strengthen the hair and prevent breakage and hair loss.



Honey is one of the most hydrating natural ingredients out there. It can immediately give your hair and scalp a makeover! It can help enhance your natural reflexes, as well as cleansing the scalp from dead skin cells and dandruff. Moreover, thanks to its moisturizing powers, it can add shine and contribute to a faster growth.



Lastly, let’s talk about Rice Water. This ingredient is a new one on my blog, but I promise it will give you many reasons to fall in love with it! This starchy water is perfect to give your hair a whole lot of vitamins and minerals that will not only speed up its growth, but turn it into a much healthier one as well. Besides, it will make your hair much smoother and more glowy.




Alright, let’s get crafting!

Firstly, you want to turn your honey into a much smoother and more liquid consistency. 10-15 seconds in the microwave will do the trick just fine.

Once your liquid gold is ready, it’s time to add the jojoba oil to it and try to blend the two together as well as you possibly can. This will require you to keep stirring the mixture for a couple of minutes, but don’t get impatient. The final consistency will greatly improve if you complete this step!

Add this mixture to the rice water and blend them together at the best of your abilities.

Lastly, pour the liquid into your spray bottle.

And your DIY Pure Silkiness Hair Spray is all ready to go! Store it in your fridge at all times.




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡






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