DIY Skin Care

DIY Under-Eye Bars – for Dark Circles and Bags | DIY Skin Care

DIY Under-Eye Bars – for Dark Circles and Bags | DIY Skin Care

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Hey, pretty people!




Scrolling through my blog posts you will easily find a few DIY under-eye solutions. They aren’t exactly my favorite products to craft, but they are an essential part of my skincare routine as well.

I usually sit down and work on oils, since I have a somewhat dry under-eye area and crave that hydration. However, I decided to think outside of the box and try a more practical format.


Bars are super easy to make, and this particular recipe is quite cheap as well. You most likely already own all the ingredients you need! Also, you can completely customize the shape of the product.

So, are you ready to find out what’s the deal with this Under-Eye Bars?

Let’s get started!




  • 3 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons of Chamomile Tea
  • 1 Tablespoon of Coffee
  • 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • An ice tray
  • A bowl to mix everything in


Before jumping straight into the crafting process, let’s quickly examine these ingredients and all their benefits for your skin.



Coconut Oil, the base of our product, is a great moisturizing ingredient. We want to get as much hydration as possible, since it will promote a smoother texture. Moreover, this oil can help lightening dark circles and fight fine lines and wrinkles.



Chamomile Tea is perfect to reduce irritation and potential redness, as well as lightening dark circles. Also, this liquid is perfect to help reduce bags and swelling and puffiness in general.



Coffee may sound like a weird choice for these under-eye bars, but it’s actually a great ingredient! Caffeine can help reduce puffiness and swelling, as well as reduce dark circles. In addition, it can help fight texture and promote a smoother surface.



Lastly, let’s talk about Lavender Essential Oil. This ingredient can help lightening the skin, reducing dark circles as well as puffinesa. Also, it can help fight texture and promote a smoother under-eye area.



Alright, let’s get crafting!

The first thing you want to do is make your coffee; then, make your chamomile tea as well. Allow both liquids to cool down a little, before proceeding with the crafting process.

Secondly, take your coconut oil and melt it completely. You want a nice, smooth and liquid consistency to work with, so make sure to really melt it well.

Then, add the chamomile tea, coffee and lavender oil drops to it and mix everything together as well as you can. Again, you want the final consistency to be nice and cohesive, and avoid a clumpy mess at all costs.

Lastly, pour the liquid into the ice tray and allow it to cool down and solidify into your fridge for a couple of hours.

And your DIY Under-Eye Bars are all ready to go!




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡






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