DIY Skin Care

DIY Under-Eye Mask | DIY Eye Mask, DIY Eye Serum

DIY Under-Eye Mask | DIY Eye Mask, DIY Eye Serum


Made from only 4 ingredients, this DIY under eye mask is the perfect formula to hydrate your skin and fight wrinkles, fine lines and dark circles!

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Hey, pretty people!


There are a few under-eye solutions here on my blog, and most of them are serums or oils.

I crafted them up myself and am quite proud of them, but I recently thought about switching things up a bit.


This under-eye mask requires a few ingredients, and all of them are pretty cheap and common to come by.

It’s a pretty efficient formula, but needs to rest on the area for a little bit more than your average face mask.


So, are you ready to find out how to make your own under-eye mask?

Let’s get started!




  • A Chamomile Tea bag
  • 1 teaspoon of Coffee Grounds
  • 1 Tablespoon of Almond Oil
  • 15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil


Before jumping into the crafting process, let’s quickly talk about these ingredients and their benefits for your skin.



Chamomile Teais a gentle moisturizing element in this recipe, and has amazing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It can help fade acne, scars and dark circles, as well as generally protect the skin from free-radical damage.



Coffee Groundsare the true exfoliating element here, but they also help fade dark circles. Moreover, they can make skin firmer and have amazing anti-aging properties.



Almond Oil is not only the real moisturizing ingredient of this mask, but can also help softening the skin. In addition, this oil can help smooth out fine lines.



Lastly, Lavender Essential Oil. This ingredient is always present in my under-eye solutions, and can definitely help fade dark circles and smooth out fine lines. Also, it can moisturize and fight redness and itchiness.



Alright, let’s get crafting!

The first thing you want to do is make your chamomile tea. Leave the bag infusing into the hot water for about 5 minutes, then take it out and let it cool down for about 10 minutes.

While you wait for the tea bag to cool down, it would be great to add the essential oil drops to the oil and stir the two together. It doesn’t need to be too perfect, but don’t be too messy about it, either.

Once you are satisfied with the liquid base, add the coffee grounds and chamomile tea grounds and stir everything for a couple of minutes. You want the ingredients to be as well blended as possible, so keep going even when you feel like you’re done.


And your DIY Under-Eye Mask is all ready to go!

All you have to do now is apply the mixture on your under-eye area. Leave it there for 30-45 minutes, then thoroughly rinse with warm water.




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡






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