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Skin icing has been around for a hot minute now (I’m so funny I know), and has re-gained popularity in recent years. It’s a celebrity-approved skin care practice that has been famously loved by Bella Hadid and even Liz Taylor, just to mention a few!
There are multiple ways to go about it, but when it comes to this habit people seem to do a bit more gatekeeping that one would expect. And that’s why I am here!
In this article, we’re going to explore the most common ways to go about skin icing, and how to make it the best (and least expensive!) experience you can give your skin.
Are you ready to explore the wonderful world of skin icing?
Let’s get started!
First things first, it’s crucial we clear up any confusion if there’s any. What is skin icing?
This practice has been around for years, and was loved by celebrities even in the past. Usually, one would dunk their face in ice water or simply massage an ice cube on their face for a few minutes. You could even use an ice compress to do it.
Now, there is no nice way to say it, so I’ll just put it simply: there is actually no scientific study that actually backs up the benefits of face icing. That’s quite disappointing to hear (read?), but hear me out: we can speculate a bit together.
Colder temperatures can help constrict blood vessels, which reduces circulation and can therefore reduce swelling and inflammation – which means this practice can lessen acne and puffiness.
Moreover, cool temperatures may encourage the drainage of excess fluids from the lymphatic system, which can help with dark circles and puffy eyes.
Lastly, thanks to the constrictions of blood vessels, face icing could help reduce pores and fine lines, thus promoting a brighter complexion.
In truth, you should go about face icing whichever way you feel like it. It should be a ‘pleasurable’ experience for yourself and your skin, so make sure to pick the method that feels best to you.
This might be the most common and popular method, but it’s personally not for me. It’s definitely a quick one, and one that promises to wake you up in the morning better than a nice cup of coffee could!
To put it simply, you just add a whole bunch of ice cubes to a bow filled with cold water, and wait for about 5/10 minutes. Then, you dunk your face in said bowl of ice water for a few seconds – keep going for a few minutes, as long as you feel comfortable. Make sure not to drag the practice out too long, though!
They’re inexpensive to try, and you can make them at home: using ice cube for your next face icing session is a great solution!
Make sure to wet the ice before applying it to your skin, and use a thin tissue to cover it before starting the massage.
I would recommend investing in one of said tools only when you have determined that you actually enjoy doing this practice, and want to pursue it on a steadier basis.
Face icing tools can be found pretty much anywhere, either online or in store, and usually retail for cheap prices. You can fill them up with water and then let them harden in your freezer.
I have decided to purchase one myself, and I have to say I am quite happy with this investment! It did make the whole application easier, and takes up very little space in my freezer.
On to the actual main event: how can you do face icing safely?
We have already discussed the dunking method, so we’re going to focus on massaging.
Use circular motions for a couple of minutes, or intervals of 5 circles at a time, for up to 5 times.
You can massage on your chin, jaw, lips, nose, eyes, cheeks and forehead.
One of the safest ways is to do it is to pick about 5 ice cubes, put them in a thin fabric cloth and massage your face with them in circular motions. You should go on for a minute or two, and definitely stopping if it gets to be too much for you.
If you don’t want to use a cloth, make sure to always wet the ice beforehand, so it’ll be wet when it touches your skin.
Using circular motions, you can massage your ice on the places discussed before, even applying it directly to a pimple and leaving it there for a couple of seconds.
Sure, regular water works perfectly – but why not take it a step further?
My favorite way to do face icing is using chamomile tea, but you can use anything, really – green tea, aloe vera, fruit juice. The possibilities are endless!
♡ Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡
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