The DOs and DON’Ts Of Creating Your Own Affirmations

The DOs and DON’Ts Of Creating Your Own Affirmations


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Hey, pretty people!




If there is something I would like to point out throughout this post is that affirmations don’t only work in subliminals. In fact, subliminals aren’t necessary at all.

When it comes to creating your own affirmations and manifesting, you don’t even need them.

I know I dropped quite a bombshell there, and I promise I will elaborate on that in another post, but let me clarify something. No, you don’t need subliminals, but that doesn’t mean I am judging you for using them.

If you want to use them, I believe you should. I just want you to be aware that the power lies within your mind, not just some audio.

It may seem unrelated to talk about subliminals here, but the truth is that I have seen so much disinformation and fear-mongering in this community, I wanted to try and shed some light on it. Creating your own affirmations for either audios or simply to repeat throughout the day is easy, simple and quick – don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.


So, are you ready to find out the DOs and DON’Ts of creating your own affirmations?

Let’s get started!



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This is, of course, your very first step. I have already talked about it in my How To Create Your Own Subliminals post, so that’s probably why it will sound familiar

Sit comfortably down and grab pen and paper. Make sure you are in the proper headspace, feeling relaxed and at peace. Feel free to put on music, drink a cup of tea and do something you love before sitting down.

Don’t feel like you have to get super specific right away. In fact, if you don’t have a clear picture of what you want to write just yet, just think about the areas of your life you would like to improve. Maybe you would like to be less socially awkward, or be more organized. Write ‘social’ and ‘organization’ at the top of the page, and work your way from there.

Once you have all of the general ideas down, it’s time to focus on your desires. Taking the two examples from before, we can say that you may want to feel more comfortable in social gatherings, and even have a neatly organized work schedule. Write these down once again. The form doesn’t really matter, as long as the general idea is still there.

Now that your desires are written down on the page, it’s time to get the affirmation out of them; again, we are going to take a look at the example we made before. Simple and basic affirmations could be ‘I am comfortable in social gatherings. I am a social butterfly’ or even ‘I feel comfortable talking with everybody. I feel at ease with large crowds of people’. Also, ‘I am an organized person. I have an incredibly organized work schedule’.




As you may have noticed, creating your own affirmations means writing your desires in present tense. There is a specific reason for that!

Affirmations constructed in present tense claim something as yours in the current moment, as opposed to leaving them be true in the future. In fact, ‘I will be organized’ leaves the affirmations in the future, while ‘I am organized’ makes the affirmation true in this very moment.

I know this concept may seem quite weird to grasp. There is another reason for writing your affirmations in present tense, which is that they are clearer and simpler. If you still hold the limiting belief that more complex affirmations are harder to understand, then writing them in present tense will be the perfect solution for you!




I am more than certain that a lot of you (if not every single one of you) will raise your eyebrows at what I am about to say, but here goes. No word is forbidden when it comes to creating your own affirmations.

I have seen time and time again that ‘you should never use words like immune, free, no, never, etc‘; to be honest, I have no idea where this originated from, but it’s just a limiting belief. If you think those words will stop or mess up your manifestation process, then they will. On the other hand, if you think that using them won’t make a difference, then it won’t.

Another absurd limiting beliefs I saw was that using the word ‘instantly‘ will mess up the process; again, limiting belief. Why would that be true?

The most outlandish one, however, has to be ‘Do NoT RePeAt tHe AfFirMAtioNs WhiLE LiSTEning To the SubLIMinaL‘. Since I believe the readers to be fairly intelligent, I would also consider you guys capable of understanding why that claim is outrageous.


What I really want to stress is that the words don’t have power over you. You are above your thoughts. You are the one that gives power to every sentence.

If you think that using a certain word won’t work, it won’t; you already think it won’t work, so there really isn’t a point in trying. Don’t give power to your limiting beliefs, and watch as you’ll be able to transform your life in less than a day.




If you think that the affirmations will need 21 days to 3 or even 6 months to ‘become true’, they will. Guess what? Yeah, that’s a limiting belief.

Like we said before, the thoughts and beliefs you give power to will end up transforming your reality. If you keep thinking you will need time to manifest your desires, then that’s true.


Another aspect I would like to point out for you subliminal users is that you don’t need to listen for a certain amount of time. Yeah, you guessed it: that’s another limiting belief.

If you think that you’ll need to listen to a certain subliminal for, let’s say, an hour, then that would be the case; on the other hand, if you believe that a single listen will be enough, then that is true.

Again, you are the one that is holding the power.




Now, let’s say you have made a whole bunch of affirmations on different topics. Better organization, improved social skills and more motivation to work or go to school.

You have your affirmations ready, but they are all mixed up. Some of the social skill ones ended up among the organization ones; what should you do now? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

This won’t make a difference in the manifestation process whatsoever, nor will it make a difference in the way your subconscious perceives them. They are affirmations, and your subconscious will receive and process them either way.


The same reasoning can be applied for the order of your subliminal playlist.

It doesn’t matter which order the audios are in; your subconscious will receive the messages all the same.




The answer to both of those question is the same, and it’s a simple one. As many as you’d like.

As long as you are layering and speeding up a good quality audio, then you’re good to go. You can find more infos about how you can do so here.


Lastly, let’s talk about how many times you need to repeat the affirmations throughout the day. Again, that’s entirely up to you.

If you believe that repeating them every once in a while will suffice, then it will. If you feel the need to keep repeating them every minute religiously, that’s how they will work.




Let’s finish off this post by summing up the only thing you should have grasped by now. You are the one in power, you are the one in control. When it comes to creating your own affirmations, your beliefs are crucial.

If you don’t give your limiting beliefs any power, then they won’t hold you back. Also, if you think you have to religiously listen to subliminals for hours on end to get results, then you will.

The thoughts, notions and ideas you give power to will take over, which is why you have to be mindful of those. I will leave you helpful links to resources I shared recently at the very end of the post.




♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡






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