Mindfulness & Self-Development

The Ultimate Glow Up Checklist | Glow Up Challenge, Printable Workbook

The Ultimate Glow Up Checklist | Glow Up Challenge, Printable Workbook


Do you want to become That Girl literally overnight? This is the printable workbook for you! With more than 50 pages for you to print and study, you’ll be able to create a whole new you in just 24 hours!




Hey, pretty people!



Are you looking for an effective way to level up in your life without completely changing your routines and habits? I got you!

This printable workbook will be your new best friend in your glow up journey, and will help you work with your own habits and routines to create new ones.


I am going to do an in-depth breakdown of this workbook in a second, but if you’d like to check it out immediately you can click here!

So, are you ready to find out what’s inside this glow up workbook?

Let’s get started!




This section starts off with a quick guide on what affirmations are and scientific studies that back their effectiveness. You’ll also learn how to use them!

I included a list of 100 affirmations for you to use, ranging from beauty, success, boundaries, attraction and more.



Besides a small guide on what shadow work is, you’ll find 50 shadow work prompts to use.





This is my personal journal template to use daily!



This section includes what a vision board is, and also a simple template you can fill out for yourself!



In this portion of the workbook, we’ll find out how to practically craft your dream version of yourself. You’ll find two wheels of life where you’ll be able to give yourself a score from 1 to 10, and also a second one to complete at the end of your glow up journey.

In another section, you’ll find all the benefits of creating an alter-ego of yourself, and all the questions you’ll need to answer to craft the perfect alternate of you.



  • DAILY DASH: daily goals, daily checklist, today’s affirmations, how you decide to show up today, today’s menu, notes
  • THIS WEEK IN A GLANCE: 10 goals, 10 priorities, weekly meal plan, notes



If you’d like to take a look at this Glow Up Checklist Workbook, you can click here!





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