Lifestyle Inspiration

The Ultimate Light Feminine Guide | Light Feminine Energy, How To Be Light Feminine

The Ultimate Light Feminine Guide




Hey, pretty people!




The concepts of Light Feminine and Light Femininity are quite new to the web, but the netizens seem to have taken and ran with them as of the last few months.

From aesthetics to natural practices, there are tons of things you can do to embrace this aesthetic and style into your daily life. And it’s actually a lot simpler than you may think!





Rebranding yourself can be an empowering journey, allowing you to break out of the mould of traditional gender stereotypes and express yourself in a more authentic way. The Light Feminine is there to help you do that, indeed!

Light Femininity offers a unique approach to everyday things ranging from your wardrobe choices to your skincare routine. There’s an emphasis on self-care, embracing your inner beauty, and becoming comfortable in your own skin – all while promoting ethical, eco-friendly practices!


The main concept of Light Femininity is that everyone is their own special snowflake. This means that regardless of your identity or life experiences, there are no rules to what you can or cannot do. You can pick and choose the elements that work best for you and your own journey.

It is not always the case when it comes to more popular aesthetics, especially when some of the internet people get their hands on them. People can quickly start picking and choosing what’s right or wrong, and that can lead you to think that what you’re doing or how you look is on the opposite end of the spectrum of what’s considered acceptable.


However, I have the perfect solution for you: this Light Feminine Guide!

From looks to mannerism, there is nothing this ebook doesn’t cover. Perfumes, jewelry, posture, voice boundaries: there’s everything you’ll possibly need to know about it!

With a total of 14 chapters, this ebook is the deep dive you need to become unrecognizable literally overnight.

I have included a list of 50 affirmations, 40 Shadow Work prompts and 15 complementary book recommendations. In addition, there are lengthy explenations on how to navigate each practice, too!

You can take a proper look at it here!





Let’s do an effective breakdown of each chapter, shall we?

  • CHAPTER 1. You’ll learn how to create your own vision boards, complete of palettes, general vibes and fashion. Generally, this will help you to get a general idea of your outfits, practices and daily activities you’ll want to focus on your Light Feminine rebranding journey.
  • CHAPTER 2. You’ll learn everything about the ‘Clean Girl’ aesthetic, from jewelry, to hairstyles, to makeup. Moreover, I have included a guide on how to build a skin care routine, too.
  • CHAPTER 3. We’ll do a deep dive on accessories: which ones to prioritize, and how to pick the best ones for you.
  • CHAPTER 4. We’ll talk everything perfumes and fragrances, and I also included a couple of my personal recommendations.
  • CHAPTER 5. In this chapter, we’ll get a general idea of the habits and mannerism of the Light Feminine.
  • CHAPTER 6. Did you know good posture has benefits for your health, physical AND mental? We’ll get down and specific on it.
  • CHAPTER 7. How does the Light Feminine sound? Let’s uncover that in this chapter!
  • CHAPTER 8. Here’s how you’ll build your confidence from the ground up.
  • CHAPTER 9. Learn how you can train your kindness in all aspects of your life.
  • CHAPTER 10. Identify and set boundaries in the kindest, most polite yet firm way possible.
  • CHAPTER 11. Here are multiple ways you can always keep developing yourself.
  • CHAPTER 12. We’ll talk about using and exercising your creativity in your daily life.
  • CHAPTER 13. Here you have 50 affirmations ranging from beauty, creativity, boundaries, success.
  • CHAPTER 14. Here you’ll have a total of 40 shadow work prompts to deeply work on yourself and start your healing journey.


Sounds intriguing enough? Click here to find out more!

You can also click here to visit my etsy shop.





In short, in this ebook I have detailed the tenets of Light Femininity, from the concept of ‘elevated femininity’ to the practical tips of incorporating this aesthetically pleasing look into your everyday wardrobe. Similarly, we’ll discuss how to reimagine yourself as a light feminine divinity, both inside and out. In fact, I hope this ebook will help you to realize that with a few adjustments, you can dazzle and shine like the star you were meant to be.

The ability to present yourself as a light feminine divinity begins with you. Above all, it’s a reminder that you have the power to take control of your outward appearance and feel confident with each and every step. As a matter of fact, Light Femininity is a style that can be tailored to fit your personality.

You can elevate your style and be the best version of yourself. Take this time to own it and let your light shine.


Lastly, allow me to give you some famous partying words.

As Oprah Winfrey famously said, “You become what you believe.” Now is the time to believe in yourself and the outcome you desire. Make it happen, and present the world with the beautiful, powerful version of yourself.






♡  Thank you so much for reading! I hope we kept each other company for a while. Have a wonderful day! ♡



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